Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fun With Video

Warning: these are only for the truly baby obsessed.  Nothing amazing.  No risk whatsoever of going viral.  Just me watching my kid flail and squirm through a screen.  The kind of stuff only a mother could love.

Additionally, I am speaking full on baby talk in these videos.  I didn't think I was at the time, but when I watched them, it was undeniable.  I am cooing away in total, unapologetic baby talk.  I really, really didn't want to be that person, but I'm not sure it's avoidable.  I'm starting to think talking like an idiot to a baby is a biological imperative on par with making the baby in the first place. 

Okay, enough with the disclaimers.  Here's my little cutie being cute.

"I'm not your monkey, Mama."

I don't know what I was expecting, but, yeah, babies don't do tricks.  Especially when you're trying to catch them doing tricks.

The internet says that babies don't usually start rolling over until about four months.  Apparently no one told Leo, because he seems to think he should be able to do it right now.

I think there has to be a special stage of the baby sleep cycle devoted to trying out new facial expressions.  Check out the killer smile at 1:03!

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