Thursday, October 11, 2012

Awesome Stuff from Cool People: Fancy Aunt Nancy and Pappaw Fred

A couple weeks ago, I got a package from Sugarland, Texas, which could only mean one thing.  Spoiling is afoot.

As far as I'm concerned, my "Fancy" Aunt Nancy and Uncle Fred have made Sugarland the epicenter of spoiling.  For decades, my sister and I have been the beneficiaries of said spoiling, receiving everything our parents wouldn't dare buy us, from barbie dreamhouses to custom cowboy boots, single malt scotch to literally countless pairs of dangly earrings.  Now, Leo gets to enjoy this bounty, and I couldn't be happier for him.  Or more terrified for myself.

So, I opened the package and found a University of Texas onesie and matching Longhorn gym shorts.  Now, this may seem like an adorable little token of their love, and, in one sense, it is.  But in another sense, it is the opening salvo in what is likely to be an ongoing battle for Leo's loyalty.  See, my Grandpa Paul was a longhorn, and so is Aunt Nancy.  But, my Mom, ever the rebel, went to UT's sworn enemy, Texas A&M (as, I will proudly point out, part of the first class of women accepted to the institution).  I can't imagine the mix of  heartbreak and pride.  It'd be like watching Leo pitch for the Yankees.  What am I saying?  That would be all heartbreak.

Neither my sister nor I went to either school, but we were raised in A&M traditions and I consider myself a second generation Aggie.  Leo, on the other hand, is yet unaffiliated.  So, I figured putting him in the onesie would give us a clue to his future.  It would be like watching little Tibetan kids try to pick the possessions of the Dalai Lama.  At least, I hoped, I could send them some cute photos as a thank you.

So, I put him in the onesie, and we got this.

And a lot of this.

And then he spit up a little.  Then a lot.

This is the best we got.  Even here, he seems to be frowning a little.

Congratulations Mom.  Looks like the Gig 'Em is strong with this one.  Nancy and Fred: we will totally make him wear it for the first half of UT / A&M game.  After all, first come, first served

P.S.  Ever since I found out we were having a boy, I've wanted a blue sapphire band to wear on my left hand with my wedding band.  In classic spoiling fashion, Nancy and Fred hooked me up.  I put it on the day Leo was born, and I will be wearing it every day for rest of my life.  Many thanks and love to you both.

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