Friday, September 14, 2012

The Birth: Play-By-Play

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2:00 AM:  I've either just peed myself, or my waters broke.
2:01 AM: Yup.  Waters broke.
3:00 AM:  Leave the house with a towel, a trash bag, and enough luggage for a week.
3:05 AM: Stumble into the Cambridge Birth Center.  Get checked out.
3:30 AM: Aaron goes into the office to get his work computer.  I go back to bed.  I win.
7:30 AM: It's pouring rain. Check in to Cambridge Hospital.
8:00 AM: First dose of misoprostol to induce labor.
9:00 AM: Nothing
9:30 AM: Still nothing.
10:00 AM: Oooh!  Breakfast!
11:00 AM: More nothing.
12:00 PM: Second dose of misoprostol.
1:00 PM: Watching Simpsons Season 8.
2:00 PM:  The whole damn thing.
2:30 PM: Still nothing.
3:00 PM: Weather's cleared up.  Go for a last pregnant waddle around the neighborhood to get things moving.  Stop by The Biscuit, my coffeehouse of choice, and get my last green iced tea as a free woman.
3:30 PM:  Climb five flights of stairs, for christ's sake.
4:00 PM: Still nothing.
4:30 PM: Order a cheeseburger and fries from S&S in Inman Square.  It's okay.  Who in their right mind gets a cheeseburger from a Jewish deli? Should have gone with the reuben.
5:00 PM:  Start pitocin.
8:00 PM: Things start getting interesting.
9:00 PM:  Really interesting.
11:30 PM:  Move from the bed to the bathtub.
11:31 PM:  Aaron mans the shower wand, hosing me down like some kind of marine mammal.  As a result, I spend a lot of time semi-hallucinating about blue whales.  Trippy.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
1:30 AM: Push!
2:18 AM:  Leo is born.
2:30 AM:  They ask me what I want to eat.  I packed a bar of my favorite fancy-pants mexican chocolate for exactly this purpose.  And I have forgotten all about it.  Instead, I opt for a hospital-issue grape popsicle. It is awesome.

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