Monday, September 24, 2012

His or Hers?

From the first smudges on the ultrasound, I've suspected that Leo would look more like Aaron than me.  As I held him for the first time, even in my exhausted, endorphin-addled state, I could tell that he had his father's nose.  Since that time, I've heard countless people say, "Oh my god, he looks just like Aaron!"  Which is a wonderful thing, because he's a good looking guy.

Still, I held out hope that Leo had gotten something of mine.  Maybe he had my chin or my face shape.  Really, I rationalized, it doesn't make sense to compare his infant face to our adult faces.  Really, the only way to tell would be to compare our newborn faces to his.

So, we rang up the respective grandparents and got our own baby pictures.

For the purpose of comparison, here's a face shot of Leo.

And here's Aaron.

My response when I saw this:  "Oh, that's freaky."  It was more than the nose.  It was really the eyes.  That sealed it for me.  This was Aaron's child.  I was just the oven. Oh, well better luck next time.

But then, I saw my pics.

By god, I think he does have my chin.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Really, I think the only conclusion that can be drawn is that all babies look basically the same.

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