Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

With all the costumes we got from family, yesterday just seemed like one long photo session, complete with wardrobe changes.  But I'm happy with the results.

So, this first one isn't a costume exactly.  I mean it says "Mommy's Little Pumpkin", but he's not really dressed as a pumpkin, so, I don't know.  I guess this is the thinking person's baby costume.

Ceci n'est pas un pumkpin.
I thought the orange hat would make him look a little more pumpkin-y, but he just looks like he's about to rob the 7-11.  But the butt pumpkin is hellaciously cute

 The next costume was, fittingly enough, a lion costume, provided by honorary Cool Aunt Camellia.  (We're pretty fast and loose with the honorifics.  You wanna be auntie, tio, nana, second cousin twice removed?  No problem.  The more the merrier!)  Unfortunately, fitting was exactly issue.

But when you're named Leo, lion costumes are appropriate for every occasion.

Which brings me to my personal favorite: a skunk costume my mom got us.  The little paws just kill me!

Our little stinker
So we took our show on the road, trick-or-treating with my cousin Melanie's family in Framingham.   Little did I know that all the neighborhood kids go trick or treating together, so we got to see a whole herd of little beasties.

Darren is to the left in the very awesome Boba Fett which he and his dad MADE THEMSELVES!  Paige is the pink-haired  rock star just to his right.

Sydney went as Sleeping Beauty, and even though I didn't manage to get a front shot, I had to show off those perfect natural princess curls.  Is it wrong to be jealous of a four-year-old?  Maybe a little.

But, seriously, look at that hair!
And, surprise surprise, this is how Leo spent his first trick-or-treat.

The best part about trick-or-treating with a baby?  When the chocolate starts disappearing, you have a perfect fall guy.

I was framed!

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